Whether you seek photography advice from a hobby perspective or an amature or youre ready to start your own business : having leadership will help you face hurdles with a set of tools versus on your own.
Many interns and assistants have moved on to start their own business and are doing extremely well.
We are offering 4 options for the 2021 year.

Hourly Private Lessons
$100 an hour
Getting yourself ready for a trip or an event & wanting great photos.
Need better images for your place of work.
Need feedback on your editing process or technique.
You may have a full time job and need to focus as able.
Youd rather choose what we cover on an as needed basis.

12 - Week Intensive
$1500 : 2021
Special Rate expires July 2021 [Pricing goes to $3000]
Meet and Greet Consultation - we'll go over the spaces used, goals and plans.
Estimated 30 hours of one-on-one time & hands on experiences working towards your goals
A starter portfolio of images to use to create your business model taken by you!
Flexible schedule providing nights and weekends of training; as well as weekdays!
Email, telephone and in person support throughout the 12 week program.
Headshots Included at week 1 and week 12.
10% off any services booked with Chanel Photography during your 12 week program and 6 months following.

Lady Boss Weekend
$1200.00 - 2 mentorships - 1 weekend
This retreat is for two people [friends or fellow photography fans or two new friends] to get away for one weekend + benefit from mentoring.
There will be time devoted to education, goal setting and bonding.
This can be in any city/state but travel is NOT included. This also isnt limited to just a weekend.
We'll stay together in the same place, shoot at various places, edit and work together & go over lots of heavy information.
Drinks/Goodie Bag Included
Work and Website Critiques
Styled Shoots with either couples or kids or women pending your style of photography
Learning of various lighting
Editing, Workflow + Business
Website + Blogging
Contracts, Emails + Scheduling
Client Community
Branding + Headshots
Q+A Sessions

1-on-1 Mentoring
$450.00 : Ranges from 3-5 hours
You choose the focus
Finding your niche
What is your brand?
Attract + Book Clients
Who is your ideal client?
Organic/Emotional posing
Styled Shoot with either couples, kids or women pending the style of photography.
Workflow : Culling/Editing
Goal Setting/CC on your stuff
Pricing and COB
Collabs + Networking
Social Media
Payment plans available - must be fully paid to begin mentoring program. You are welcome to opt to assist at sessions and for our company to pay off costs as well.